Foundations USA

jeudi 30 décembre 2010 par Peyres

Nos pedigrées remontent

aux Foundations USA suivants :


 F 801 Juaquin (1941),


F 678 Joker B (1941),

F 297 Flamingo (1944),


F 89 Domino (1933),


F 2675 Bobbie N (1953),


F 2098 Flying Sargeant (1952),


T 2470 Crinkle J (1955),


T3 May’s Surprise (1945),


F 3047 Bright Eyes Brother (1950),


F 2646 Double Six Domino (1943),



3096 Mansfield’s Commanche (1933),


F 3435 Bryant’s Apache Queen,


F 2154 Chief Chelsea,


F 3552 Bryant’s Apache Lad,


F 3487 CHEROKEE RED REX (1954),


F 4790 Cherokee Blue Rex,


F 3156 Riley’s Purple Doll (1952),


F 464 Riley’s May (1941),


George Webb leopard, a léopard son of KNOBBY, the "Lamb Horse", foaled in the 1920 s,


F 3159 Storm Cloud’s Speck (1959),


F 1644 Storm Cloud F (1954),



F 209 Red Eagle (1946),


RW’S Blue Crow T 9552 (1953),


F 108 El Zorro (1943),



F 12 Flash (1937),




F 3 Kentucky Girl (1931),


Spudnik T 2707,


F 2225 POTEET B,


F 1681 BUTTONS B (1950),


Duu’s Hideout III T 22933,


Missoula Hide Out T 3614,


Missoula Nightingale T 1961 (1950),



"Missoula lies only twelve miles from the eastern terminus of the Lolo Trail used by Chief Joseph during the Nez Perce War.
It was inevitable that this region, lightly touched by the plow, would become the greatest reservoir of Appaloosa genes through the large numbers of indian horses."
source The American Appaloosa Anthology by Palmer WAGNER (cliquez ici)


F 470 GOLDEN GLOW (1943 ) is by Snow.
Esther , the dam of Snow, was directly and closely descended "from Nez Percé Stock".


F 226 WAGTAIL KID (1932) sire of Snow  : 3 x Esther


F 2021 Osage Flash (1952),champion sire,


F 3219 Dakota Sands,


Coke T Roberds stallions  : Old Fred and

Peter Mac Cue


F 1607 Apache II (1951),


F 730 APACHE (1942),


F 1679 Shavano (1955),


F 1380 Patchy Jr (1952),


F 416 PATCHY (1939),



Patches later registered as F 77 General Blucher,


F 1678 Blossom (1945),


F 167 Léopard Lady (1937),



SUNDANCE F 500 (1933),


F 1490 ACE HIGH (1953),


F 426 Two Tone (1948),


F 322 ZébraPal (1943),


F 423 Sally Two (1944),



F 3366 High Hand (1952),


F 2485 Eshankonee (1944),


F 2127 Dry Runs Tomahawk,


F 599 Tomahawk II (1947),


F 2099 Dry Run’s Ace (1948),


F 4651 WW Sheryl (1958),


F 3068 Bear Step (1955),


F 1472 Moroccan Léopard (1952),


F 1072 Leopard Cortez (1945),


F 437 Morgan Léopard (1928),


F 1471 Lady of Spain (1932),


T 653 PK Dottie,


F 4595 T.C. Babe


Money Creek’s Monte Anna 134962 ,


Money Creek’s Siri Anna 78472,


F 4090 Peeper’s Shamrock ,


F 1833 Siri Shiek (1945),




2 x SUNDANCE F 500,




Sully Sunshine,


Sully’s Pattern ,


F 2497 Bambi E,


5 x SUNDANCE F 500 (1933)
Chico the dam of Sundance F 500 was a black appaloosa with dapples spots from Navajo Indian Stock.
"Wyoming léopards : this group of léopards horses claim such descendants as Sundance F 500, Ben Lowe, Bambi E, Sunspot Revel and a host of modern show winners.
This colorful group of léopard spotted Appaloosas are merely descendants of Chief Joseph’s Stock that the army dispersed in this area following the Nez Perce surrender in Oktober of 1877."
source The Complete Book of the Appaloosa by Jan Haddle (First Edition) cliquez ici


2 x F 1833 Siri Shiek (1945),


T 211 Pepper Face (1954),


T 6 Pepper Face (1943),


F 524 Freckle Face (1948),


T 4805 PVF’S Butterfly (1951),


F 2217 Hands Up (1947),


T 725 Amarillo Blanca (1950),


F 3713 Wimena (1954),


F 2674 Son of Quanah (1951),


F 706 QUANAH (1947),


F 4550 Keiley’s Apache,


F 1641 Snow Man (Wyoming),


F 1298 Night Hawk (1950),


F 81 Appalo (1942),


F 128 Lady Lou (1937),


F 35 Sheba (1938),


F 770 Waoto (1949),


F 3559 High Spot,


F 4108 Sally Calico (1951)  : 4 x REX,


F 4107 Chicago (1944)

by REX
"REX is a direct product of Sam Fisher’s colorful herd.
Sam Fisher was a member of the Palouse Tribe, a smaller part of the Nez Perce Tribe, located in Washington along the Snake River.
His lifetime interest was to breed colorful horses as his forefathers had done.
Nowhere could you find a more purely bred, undiluted strain of Palouse Horses than those descending from his herd"
source TheComplete Book of the Appaloosa, by Jan HADDLE (First Edition) cliquez ici


F 2019 Red Eagle’s Mark of the 1001 (1958) ,


F 507 Strip (1947),


F 150 Barrendo Red (1942),


Skeezix ,


F 167 Léopard Lady (1937),


F 1388 Three N Rex (1952),


F 688 Chief Joseph Rex (1940),


F 1140 Ferguson’s Dinah (1942),


F 1130 Ferguson’s Snowflake (1936),


F 2064 Pale Moon B (1956),


F 1681 Buttons B (1950),


F 2040 Snowdrift B (1951),


3 x F 849 ABDULL (1938),


F 1380 Patchy Jr (1952),


PATCHY F 416 (1939),


F 2098 Flying Sargeant (1952),


T 3 May’s Surprise (1945),


F 322 Zebra Pal (1943),


F 715 Freel’s Chico (1947),


F 201 Pal (1937),


F 1728 REVEL JUNIOR (1952),


F 265 Texas Cherokee (1942),


F 200 Flick (1941),


F 61 Raimbow (1929)




F 920 Stubby (1943),


F 320 Candy,


F 1026 Cloud Princess,


F 1970 Chief Navajo ( 1944),


F 1634 Simcoe’s Sarcee (1952),


F 1610 Simcoe’s Chinook (1952),


F 1643 Maize (1945),


F 1078 Morgan’s Cheetah (1949),


F 1072 Léopard Cortez,


F 437 Morgan’s Léopard (1928),


F 505 San Rafael (1947),


2 x F 1054 PETER K (1944),


Taylor’s Sundance (1949),


F 361 Banjo (1941)


Un préfixe "F" indique un Foundation stock.

Ce système a été utilisé jusqu’en 1949 quand les livres ont été partiellement fermés.

Les livres Foundation ont été fermés au numéro F 4932.

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